Browzine academic journals by field
Browzine academic journals by field



  • America's Historical Imprints - Series I, Evans or Series II, Shaw - Aspects of life in 17th- and 18th-century America, from agriculture and auctions to the Revolutionary War, temperance, and witchcraft.
  • browzine academic journals by field

    American West - Documents, essays and maps relating to the history of the American West.16, 1806, Burr's conspiracy and arrest, and the Treaty of the Creek Indians made by Andrew Jackson on Aug. Covers historical events such as Lewis and Clark's Expedition as communicated to Congress on Feb. congressional materials from 1789 - 1838. It contains articles from ASCE journals, papers from conference proceedings, and e-books and standards American Society of Civil Engineers - high-quality civil engineering content.American Society for Microbiology - Critical reviews written by scientists published each year for 29 focused disciplines.American Indian Histories and Cultures - Primary source documents from the first contact with European settlers to the mid-twentieth century.The collection offers multiple perspectives on the thought, culture, and society of North America through the eyes of those who lived it, showing how history affected citizens from all walks of life. American Historical Periodicals Series I-V - provides a history of the American people from periodicals focused on American concerns and were predominantly published in the United States or Canada.American Chemical Society Publications - Titles from the American Chemical Society since 1995.American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection - Collection of American periodicals published between 16.Focuses on complementary, holistic, and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Alt HealthWatch - Articles, book chapters and reviews, case studies, product reviews, recipes, reports, and more.Agriculture Journals - North American agricultural journals covering animal and veterinary sciences, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture, farming, agricultural economics, food and human nutrition.Agriculture Collection - Periodicals related to all aspects of agriculture and related subjects.Agricultural & Environmental Science Database - Scholarly journals and other periodicals related to all facets of agricultural & environmental sciences, including toxicology, energy and animal sciences.AGRICOLA (direct or via Ebsco or ProQuest) - Agriculture literature including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, and farming and farming systems, among others.African American Archives - Original documents relating to African American History from the 1670s-1940s, and originating from North America and the Caribbean.

    browzine academic journals by field

    Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database - Scholarly journals, trade journals, magazines, technical reports, government publications, and conference proceedings related to aerospace, astrophysics, and computer science.Includes Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, Journal of Environmental Quality, Journal of Plant Registrations and Soil Science Society of America Journal. ACSESS Digital Library - Journals published by the Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Societies.

    browzine academic journals by field

  • Access World News - current or archived articles and videos from international, national and local new sources including the Austin American-Statesman and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
  • Coverage includes archaeology, biology, chemistry, ethnic & multicultural studies, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics and other fields.
  • Academic Search Complete - Journals, publications, monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
  • Academic OneFiles - Journals and other publications on a broad spectrum of academic subjects, including business, science & technology and social sciences.
  • ABC-CLIO Ebooks - historical ebooks covering a broad spectrum of subjects including American and world history, cultural, folklore, military history, and social issues.

  • A-Z Maps - Outline, current event, political, and scientific maps plus educational and teaching tools.

  • Browzine academic journals by field