Zak, Dask and Kala joined the Turtles on multiple adventures up to the 1993 season, after which they did not appear.
The Neutrinos are the three and a half hipster, flying hotrod driving, teenagers from Dimension X introduced in the 1987 series episode "Hot Rodding Teenagers from Dimension X". He was voiced by the late Tony Jay, and Mung by Cam Clarke.
His plan failed after Donatello and Michelangelo used Krang's android body to shrink him down and banish him to Dimension X. His last attempt involved using a robotic suit to absorb the powers of several other aliens, and kill the Turtles. Eventually, he started a smear campaign against them, which turned the citizens of New York against them and in favor of him however, this all came to an end in the episode "Doomquest," in which he is unable to fight the titular villain and flees in fear when the Turtles do so, and the populace finally discovered that the Turtles were heroes and Dregg was the villain after April showed them a tape of his true motives. Lord Dregg was an alien who attempted to take over the world, but his plans were constantly foiled by the Turtles. Along with him came his loyal lackey Mung, Dregg's second-in-command and science officer who would always be the subject of Dregg's anger. Lord Dregg was the villain who replaced Shredder as the turtles' main enemy in the last two seasons of the 1987 cartoon. He appeared in the 1987 series, arcade game, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers.

After a small skirmish with the turtles, the Neutrinos teamed up with them and Michaelangelo and Donatello sent both Granitor and General Tragg back through the portal and to their own dimension. Granitor came following the Neutrinos through the dimensional portal. Granitor is General Tragg's right hand man, and one of Krang's loyal Rock soldiers from Dimension X. He appeared in the 1987 series, Archie Comics arcade game and teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers. General Traag, sometimes spelled "Tragg", is the leader of the Rock Soldiers, who sometimes work alongside the Foot Soldiers. Oddly enough, while this was the first appearance of Scumbug and Antrax, April and the TMNT acted as if they encountered them before. He appeared once in the older cartoon series in the episode 'Night of the Rogues' where Shredder called all of the Turtles' past foes (including Rat King, Leatherhead, Slash, Tempestra, Chrome Dome, and Scumbug) in hopes of defeating the turtles. In both the toy and the show he's labeled as 'Dimension X's executioner', which makes him an alien rather than another mutant.

He looks like a giant ant wearing the executioner's hood and outfit, and armed with an appropriate axe. Antrax is a character from the 1987 animated series and toyline.